

Age is More

Age is More is about confronting ageism – an important social issue that impacts older persons around the world. Through this program Revera is challenging the negative attitudes, stereotypes and preconceptions that prevent older persons from living their lives to the fullest. Through research, commentary and storytelling, Age is More aims to shine a spotlight on the exceptional lives of older people.

Building Respectful Communities Toolkit

Developed by the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority in partnership with the Manitoba Association of Seniors Centres, Canadian Red Cross, A&O Support Services to Older Adults & the Seniors and Healthy Aging Secretariat the Building Respectful Communities toolkit provides older adults, service providers and community partners with information and resources to prevent and respond to bullying behaviour in a community setting.

Elder Abuse Awareness Community Guide Toolkit

Developed to assist in raising awareness and act as a resource to help individuals, organizations and communities throughout the world plan for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD). It was originally developed as a partnership involving the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA), the Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (CNPEA) & International Federation on Ageing (IFA).

Future Us: A Roadmap to Elder Abuse Prevention

CNPEA together with stakeholders across the country developed a roadmap for communities to figure out where they are and where they need to go to improve their approach to prevention. The website includes the roadmap and Toolkit, along with a series of videos that provide additional guidance about how the Future Us information can be incorporated into practice, policy, and research in health, legal, and government areas.

Intergeneration Manitoba Website

Research indicates that positive intergenerational relationships are key to preventing abuse of older adults. Discover what can be possible in your own community or organization by visiting the Intergenerational Manitoba website. Developed by Manitoba Association of Seniors Centres through funding from the provincial government the site includes great information about staring an intergenerational program, a resource gallery full of ideas, a map identifying where programs are taking place and testimonials about the impact and success of intergenerational programs.

Global Campaign to Combat Ageism

The World Health Organization (WHO) together with key partners developed the Global Campaign to Combat Ageism. The Campaign aims to change the narrative around age and ageing and help create a world for all ages. Ageism affects how we think, feel and act towards others and ourselves based on age. It imposes powerful barriers to the development of good policies and programmes for older and younger people, and has profound negative consequences on older adults’ health and well-being. You can still get involved with Ageism through the ages and the Global Campaign to Combat Ageism by accessing the events, resources, activities, and knowledge featured on this hub and submitting your own knowledge about ageism.

United Nations Decade of Healthy Ageing (2020-2031)

Globally 1 in 6 people aged 60 years and older experience abuse in the community every year. Rates in institutions are even higher. Yet, abuse of older people remains a low global priority. The UN Decade of Healthy Ageing 2021–2030 offers a unique 10-year opportunity for a step change in how abuse of older people is tackled, including five priorities to prevent and respond to abuse of older people.

National Seniors Strategy for Canada

In 2015 Canadians aged 65 and over started to outnumber children under the age of 15. This demographic shift in Canada prompted the publication and recognition that Canada’s policy response to an ageing population was lagging behind. The National Institute on Ageing (NIA) at Ryerson University developed a National Seniors Strategy he third edition was released in 2022.